Meet the Skilled Workforce of Hancock County!

8 Apr 2024
“Businesses that choose to locate in Hancock County, IN, have access to a large labor shed of skilled workers and business leaders thriving in the area! There is a labor shed of over 2 million people within an hour’s drive of the county, making it easy for workers to commute to the county for work. Workforce training and development are a priority in Hancock County, intending to leave no one behind when it comes to being able to find job opportunities,” stated Harold Olin, the President of the Hancock Economic Development Council (HEDC).
Hancock County Businesses Benefit from a Talented Laborpool!
Hancock County’s school districts prioritize workforce development education that helps prepare students for future career success. The county’s businesses have access to a labor shed comprising diverse, talented individuals, from entry-level to skilled trade workers. Click here to learn more about the talent that Hancock County businesses have access to!
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